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This is SPORTMASK, a one of a kind company specializing in custom designed goalie masks.Designed with precision craftsmanship.. Manufactured with the latest technology.. Quality tested to exceed CSA standards

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Razor / Ricochet Print E-mail


Mittlerer Preis, High end Produkt

Die Maske wird aus Carbon-Fieberglas gefertigt. Dies bietet ihnen optimale Sicherheit bei einem idealen gewicht. Sensationelle Passform.

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Mit mehr Fieberglas aber der gleichen Qualität wie die Razor, wird die Ricochet hergestellt.

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Size: Sr. (22”-23”) / Sm: (20,5”-21.5”)
Available Cages: Certified / Flatbar Cateye / Singlebar Cateye / Cheater
Optional: Engraved centre bar (cateye only)
Stock colours: Black – White
Optional: Custom colours
***Cateye and Cheater cages are not CSA or HECC certified***


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